Freelance digital marketing involves offering marketing assistance to one or more clients, often from a remote location, as an independent contractor.Here are the Steps
To improve your likelihood of success in digital marketing, it is advisable to concentrate your freelance services on one or two specific areas that align with your strongest skills.
Select specialties
Consider building your skill set through online courses, video tutorials, or local workshops.
Develop your skill set.
Once you are done with the list, just visit any site like Feedcoyote and search for projects which match your skills listed above.
Read the project description and figure out if you can really take-on this project. Analyse for yourselves if you have proper skills to handle the project.
Check your skills
Once you have identified which skills you lack, its better to master them first before you proceed ahead working on projects.
Fill the Gaps
To become a self-employed digital marketer, you'll create a pricing structure, which can either be hourly, project-based, per day, by a retainer, or a mixture of more than one
Set your pricing
Test yourselves to see if you have really filled the skill gap which existed before. This will make you confident and also add a project in your portfolio
Working on a dummy project
Once you have the skills and confidence, applying on projects would be quite easy and your chances of acquiring a project would be much higher.